Hey, Good Looking

Good morning.

I have a little challenge for you today, well, really it’s more of a treat than a challenge, so let’s get to it.

Whatever you’re doing, wherever you’re off to today, I want you to be Good Looking.

Now I know you’re thinking, what the what now, this girl has gone bonkers… let me explain.

You’re cute, that’s a given, you’ve got style and even if you’re a bit harried and rush-y today, I think you have really pretty eyes.

What I mean by Good Looking, is that you can see today in a couple of ways.

You can focus on the rushing, the bloody-kids-will-you-SHUT-UP moments, the ‘ugh, my boss is a crazed loon’ eye rolls you may share with a co-worker and you can see only those things today.

When you fall into bed, today can look batshit busy, stressful and blergh. (Some days are like that, they just kick your arse, and I really hope you don’t have a day like that.)

OR you can see the stuff that goes on in between the shouty, eye rolling, will this traffic ever get moving moments.

When you’re sitting at the level crossing and the stupid trains seem to be taking forever to cross, look up at the sky. Are there clouds skittering across it? Is it grey or blue? Whatever it’s doing, it’s pretty amazing isn’t it?

While the kids are playing at the park, look at the treetops.

2014-09-18 15.43.53

Treetops are really something.

The way the branches reach out and the shapes the leaves make. Maybe I’m a simpleton, but trees make me exceedingly happy.

That’s Good Looking.

After you wrangle your tired toddler into the car or pram, and they fall asleep, study that now cherubic little face.

That’s Good Looking.

When you are waiting for your latte in the coffee shop, or sitting on a tram, or even wheeling your shopping trolley around in the 8.4 minutes you’ve got to buy ALL THE THINGS, there are Good Looking opportunities right there – the way the tram lines criss cross the sky overhead, how the light hits the coffee machine… it’s about looking for something to appreciate.

Good Looking isn’t necessarily about ah-mazing sunsets or cliffside vistas, though those things are fab.

Good Looking is about seeking out and drinking in the little beauties of every day we get to spend on this blue ball spinning in space.


So, my friends, that’s how you can be Good Looking today.

I hope you embrace it. I’d love to hear about what you see and how it makes you feel.

Later, good looking.

Annette x



29 thoughts on “Hey, Good Looking

  1. I love this Annette, I needed this! It’s something I need to be reminded to do all the time, because (confession), I am a bit of a pessimist and frequently get sucked into focusing on the rushy-stressy-yucky things. Here’s to some Good Looking!
    P.S I also totally have a thing for treetops 😉


  2. I love the way the rain leaves big blobby droplets on my window. I like how the bricks on the buildings around me change from dusty red to bright shiny red with the water streaming down them. I love how my cat purrs and plays with a little bouncy ball while I am stressedly writing my assignments. Today is definitely a Good Looking kinda day! Thanks lovely x


  3. Gorgeous Annette. LOVE that yellow flower sticking its neck outside the green fence, saying a cheery ‘Hello!’ to passersby. Will definitely do some Good Looking today in Kyoto x


  4. I’m lucky I work at home & so everyday just need to pay a little ‘attention’ to the stuff right outside my door or window .
    Today I see the rosemary, which is flowering profusely, filled to bursting with bees. It sounds amazing. In the garden below it the violets are flowering. They smell so heady & delicious & remind me of being little & of time spent sitting & chatting with my Nanna xxx


  5. It’s a cold rainy day but the raindrops are crwating a glossy coat on the leaves of my cordilyne. They look lush and the colour of aubergine. Some good looking?


  6. I love the twist on ‘looking good’ – a great way to think about it! As for me – hmm – rather than feeling annoyed (if I do) today on the train because it is either late, or I have to stand, or something, I’m just going to think of the people waiting, or on the train, and wonder about them (rich fodder for writing)!


  7. I try to do this every day. I’m a big fan of cloud spotting, admiring blue skies, seeing the beauty of some wild flowers or marvelling at the sunset on the way home. There’s so much beauty everywhere and it takes a moment just to savour it. Thanks for the reminder xx


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